
Our physiotherapy services are dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal-related conditions.

smile face dentisry

Sport Injuries

Sports injuries can happen to anyone engaged in physical activity, whether it’s a professional athlete or someone who exercises for recreational purposes.

dental implantation

Post-Surgical Rehabilitation

Post-surgical rehab is physiotherapy that aids recovery, restores strength and mobility, and boosts confidence after surgery.

braces orthodontics dentisry

Back & Neck Problems

Back and neck problems are common issues that can affect anyone at any age. These problems can cause pain, stiffness, reduced range of motion, and difficulty performing daily activities.

Dental crown and bridges

Postural Problems

Postural problems occur when our body’s alignment is not correct, leading to discomfort, pain, and reduced mobility.

pediatric dentistry

Women’s Health

Women’s health physiotherapy addresses a wide range of issues related to women’s health, including pregnancy and postpartum care, pelvic pain, and more.

Root canal treatment

Muscle & Joint Problems

Muscle and joint problems are common conditions that can cause pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility.